Can I Take Creatine On Empty Stomach

Did you just start taking creatine? Are you also confused about taking creatine on empty stomach?

You must be wondering how I know this. It’s just that I was also in the same boat a while ago and got my answers.

When I started creatine supplementation, I always used to ask: Can I Take Creatine On Empty Stomach? The answer is no.

No, you shouldn’t take creatine on an empty stomach. It can cause discomfort such as nausea, cramping, constipation, or diarrhea.

Let’s learn step by step if you should really take creatine on an empty stomach.

What Is Creatine, And Why Should You Take It?

Creatine is a naturally occurring chemical compound. It is present in our kidneys, liver, muscles, and brain cells as well.

Creatine helps in improving workout performance, building muscle mass, and a wide range of benefits.

With creatine supplementation, you tend to get more strength, better recovery, and less dehydration.

It relaxes your muscle strains, so there are fewer chances of injuries as well.

Now, we know why people take creatine. But should you take creatine on an empty stomach?

Can I Take Creatine On Empty Stomach?

Taking creatine on an empty stomach is a personal choice. Doesn’t feel good to me though 🙂

Many people have reported stomach issues like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea when taking creatine on an empty stomach.

Another set of people believe that you shouldn’t take any artificial supplements on an empty stomach.

This is because our body needs natural nutrients, fiber, and protein first to function efficiently upon waking up.

Did we get the answer? I believe we do. We shouldn’t take creatine on an empty stomach. Now, what’s the right way to take creatine, then?

Creatine on empty stomach

What Is The Right Way To Take Creatine?

According to a study, taking creatine with a meal full of proteins and carbohydrates helps in better absorption of creatine and significantly lowers down chances of stomach discomfort.

This is due to the fact that protein and carbohydrates increase blood insulin levels, which boosts creatine circulation in the muscles.

There is another opinion that states that taking creatine with orange or sweet lime juice can be beneficial.

There aren’t any best or right ways since everyone’s body is different. You need to figure out what works for you.

Tips For Taking Creatine

Here are some tips you can try for taking creatine:

  • Taking creatine with a meal full of proteins, carbohydrates, and other nutrients.
  • Do a loading phase for 5-7 days and take 20 grams of creatine daily.
  • After the loading phase, reduce your creatine intake to 5 grams daily.
  • Make sure you are keeping yourself well-hydrated.

If you face any issues, it’s recommended to reduce your creatine dose and consult your healthcare professional.

Should I Eat Breakfast Before Taking Creatine?

Yes, it indeed is good to eat your breakfast before taking creatine. As we discussed, it’s not a good idea to take creatine on an empty stomach.

You can have a light breakfast or a protein shake before putting creatine into your stomach.

Should I Eat Breakfast After Taking Creatine

Yes, it’s good to take creatine drink after breakfast. I used to do the same and didn’t cause any issues to me.

The reason is that your stomach already is filled with protein, fiber and minerals from breakfast. That is why your creatine will not react directly in stomach.

It will take its due time to digest slowly in your body.

What Should I Take With Creatine?

It’s not generally advised to take creatine on empty stomach. But it’s good to have some green vegetables, fruits, beans before creatine.

I generally take banana, chia seeds, eggs, and an oat meal. I take my creatine drink after an hour or two.

Can I Take Creatine on Empty Stomach During Intermittent Fasting?

Ofcourse, who’s stopping you? You can do whatever you want.

You can take creatine on empty stomach when you are on a fast.

It’s not bad for all. But some individuals report of stomach issues, bloating, constipation, etc. I would recommend to skip creatine on fasting days.

Can I Take Creatine on Empty Stomach For Weight Loss?

Yes, you can take creatine on empty stomach for weight loss. Creatine essentially provides you more energy for workout.

More workout, better performance, more sweat, more fat loss. You will need to give your body proper sleep and nutrition as well.

I specifically didn’t experience weight loss. Since my water content in body was increasing. But I for sure lost good amount of fat.


What should I eat before creatine?

You can have fruits like bananas, apples, nuts, protein shakes, oats, and boiled eggs before taking creatine.

Can you eat immediately after taking creatine?

When you take creatine, the stomach feels full, and you might not have the instant hunger to eat. But you should give yourself 10-15 minutes for creatine absorption. It should be good to eat after that.


Finally, can you take creatine on empty stomach? It might not be a good idea as it can cause side effects like bloating, constipation, dehydration, cramping, or nausea.

Taking creatine with a meal of proteins and carbohydrates will be good.

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