Can Creatine Cause Constipation

can creatine cause constipation

Whenever there is a discussion around supplements for improving physical performance, creatine monohydrate is the most popular.

It comes across as a very safe option, and I have been using it regularly for 2 months now.

Did creatine cause constipation? While 5-8 grams of creatine per day were giving good results, I felt my stomach to be a bit upset when I increased creatine content to 12-15 grams.

Many athletes prefer creatine supplementation for the following reasons:

  • Creatine builds muscle mass
  • No restriction from any sports authority (safe)
  • Better workout performance
  • Easily available

Let’s dive deep into it and know what could be the best options for you.

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a naturally occurring organic compound present in our muscles and kidneys.

It helps us in building muscle size, provides more energy during the workouts, and reducing cramps and soreness.

Can Creatine Cause Constipation?

Creatine is a great supplement for boosting workout performance and building muscle mass. Creatine helps muscle growth by pulling water into the muscle cells.

It’s highly likely that you might face some stomach troubles and constipation in the initial phase of supplementation.

I had some constipation when I took creatine for the first time.

But, these problems go away with reduced dosages and your body starts adjusting slowly to the creatine intake.

Does Creatine Causes Constipation During Workout?

No, creatine doesn’t cause constipation during workout. Just make sure you are not overeating before your workouts.

I felt very energetic and more power in my muscles after a week of regular creatine consumption.

My water intake increased automatically over the time. I felt some constipation during the initial days but it was gone after a few days.

Can Creatine Cause Constipation For Females

Creatine intake can increase estrogen amount in females. This can help regulate their menstrual cycle better.

Many females, too report of creatine causing constipation for them.

Can Creatine Cause Constipation In Infants

Many reports suggest that consumption of creatine over short term is safer for adults.

American Academy of Pediatrics restricts children/infants below 18 years of age from creatine consumption.

How Long Does Creatine Constipation Last?

Constipation from creatine is temporary and it goes away very soon. It’s mild constipation and easily vanishes in the initial 4-5 days when body starts adjusting.

It’s always good to keep your body well hydrated whenever you are on any supplementation like creatine, BCAAs or whey protein.

Drinking enough water can help reduce side effects like constipation.

If you are still facing constipation after 7-8 days of creatine intake, try taking smaller dosages.

Small doses of creatine throughout the day can work better for you.

Increase the roughage content and high-fiber foods in your diet. Working out regularly and keeping a healthy diet will help a long way.

Quick Summary:

  • Yes, creatine intake can lead to digestive issues like bloating and constipation. Do not overdose.
  • Creatine, as proved by many studies and research, gives immense benefits in muscle growth, strength training and performance.
  • Increase the fiber content in your diet, increasing your water intake and taking smaller dosages of creatine can help avoid unnecessary side effects.

You can take 25 grams of creatine daily for 14 days. You can also take 4-5 grams for 18 months everyday safely.

Supplementing 10 grams of creatine everyday for 5 years has also shown zero to nil side effects. Source : study

What Are Some Ways To Avoid Constipation?

Constipation is probably one of the most annoying side effects of creatine supplementation.

Yes, creatine can cause constipation but there are a few precautions which might help you reduce that:

Workout Routine

Using creatine helps with physical performance and muscle building.

Make sure you are having an active workout routine while on creatine supplementation. This will help you gain the most out of creatine.

Do not Overdose Creatine

Never over dose with creatine. There are no benefits observed on the people taking more than the recommended doses.

Know your body, know your goals, stay patient, and spread your doses throughout the day.


Creatine increases the water-holding capacity of the body. Keep your body well hydrated throughout the day.

It will help you avoid dehydration and will improve your digestion as well.

Stool Softener Or Laxatives

Taking stool softeners and laxatives can help if you feel constipation is stretching for more than 10-12 days.

Consume High-Fibre Foods

We all know high amounts of fibre and roughage content helps constipation. You can eat cucumber and take psyllium Husk.

Fiber Supplement

A fiber supplement can balance out your creatine side effects while your body adjusts to new creatine intake.

Better Timing

Taking your creatine drink on an empty stomach could also increase the likelihood of constipation.

Creatine extracts water from everywhere so it’s always better to have your creatine monohydrate with some meal or a light snack.

Green Tea

Taking herbal extracts and green tea has a positive impact on your gut microbiota. This helps your gut irregularities and relieve constipation.

Well, personally, high-fiber foods, lowering the creatine content, and keeping myself hydrated helped me a great deal.

Why Do You Need A Lot Of Water With Creatine?

Creatine has the ability to pull water into your muscles. That’s the reason you need to drink a lot of water(4-5 litres a day) to avoid being dehydrated.

If your body doesn’t have enough water and creatine extracts water from your lower intestines, then you are more prone to experiencing constipation, as this water goes into your muscle cells.

Proper hydration helps your body in transporting nutrients throughout the body. It also facilitates efficient consumption of creatine supplement.

You should drink a minimum of four to five litres of water a day or eight to ten glasses while having creatine. Keep in mind to mix your creatine powder with mild water to improve its mixability.

Does Creatine Make Me Poop?

Yes, creatine supplementation has the potential to affect your stools and poop.

If you start taking too much creatine, you might have to repeatedly go to bathroom. Creatine can also feel like a burden on your digestive system.

It’s always recommended to take creatine as suggested by physician and never overdose creatine.

Creatine intake can very well increase your water absorption which will result in more hardened and solidified stools.

When To Stop Taking Creatine?

It’s good to consult a physician or a doctor to customize your creatine dosages according to your body and goals.

Your fitness trainer could also help you in your dietary needs and supplement advice.

It’s advised to cycle creatine. Regular breaks from creatine supplementation after every 4-6 weeks can help you achieve your maximum efficiency.

Plus, your body also doesn’t becomes habitual to higher levels of creatine.

Beware, if you have any kidney related issues, it’s strictly not recommended. Creatine might make it worse if you have any kidney or renal issues.

Does Creatine Cause Bloating?

Other than constipation, bloating is one thing experienced by many during creatine supplementation.

If this is your first time, bloating can be a side effect along with upset stomach.

Personally, I didn’t face much bloating issues since I had already been taking when protein for an year, and it also has some creatine in it.

This isn’t very serious and you will be fine within a few days. It’s just your body adjusting to the new creatine powder.

Are You Gassy After Taking Creatine?

Again, it depends individual to individual. Some athletes don’t face any stomach issues like constipation or bloating, while some do.

Increased levels of creatine can lead to an upset stomach and gas. It’ll be just fine in some time and keep yourself hydrated.

Has Creatine Been Extensively Tested?

Yes, well creatine and BCAAs are some of the most researched sports supplements out there. People in the fitness industry have been using creatine from 40 years down the line now.

Much research has been done on creatine and most of them signify positive results in terms of strength, muscle mass, and performance.

Investigations on the connection between constipation and creatine supplementation did not show conclusive results.

Some people experience digestive issues, constipation, bloating while nothing happens to others.

Creatine, is generally safe, but if you are facing such side effects, you should go see a doctor or stop your supplementation.

What Are Some Side Effects Of Creatine?

Lifting heavy weights? Creatine is the best supplement for you when you want an extra push in your workout.

It is deemed to be the safest option for athletes, but some individuals face common side effects of creatine supplementation which we have discussed here.

Muscle Cramps and Strains

When you workout, you might experience some strains and cramps due to muscle wear and tear.

Your muscles, just like everything, need the right nutrition to grow bigger and stronger.

You can face some soreness, DOMS, or pulls as common after-effects of muscle building.

Can creatine cause constipation and bloating

Increase In Body Weight

Creatine intake increases the water retention capacity of the body which increases your muscle size. Both muscle mass and water attribute to inflating your body weight.

Slow Digestion

Your body might take some time to adjust to higher creatine levels. These are very new for the body when you start supplementing.

This can upset your stomach and lead to slower digestion.


Creatine provides you with a great energy boost which can feel amazing during the workout.

It’s also common to feel some lightheadedness after workouts, but again that’s more of a result of the extensive exercise and low water intake rather than creatine.


Right, we know you were here to learn about the connection between creatine and constipation but it’s good to know the probability of other things as well.

About 30% of people report diarrhea when they are taking 5 grams of creatine daily. On the other hand, you see half of the others who take 10 grams daily reporting loose stools.



Can You Take Creatine On An Empty Stomach?

It’s recommended to take any kind of dietary supplement with food. Your stomach shouldn’t be empty and should have good amount of fats and carbs before taking creatine.

While taking creatine on an empty stomach can increase its absorption but make sure you are taking enough water with it then.

Does Creatine Help Digestion?

No, creatine does not have any positive effect on digestion. It might lead to negative effects like constipation or bloating.

How Do I Stop Creatine Bloating?

When you are just starting out to take creatine, bloating is a common thing. However, this can be avoided if you cut down on creatine doses in the initial days.

You can start with 4-5 grams of creatine per day instead of 20-25 grams per day.

Is Creatine Hard To Digest?

Our stomach often takes its time to digest dairy products and dietary supplements. They are a bit hard to digest which leads to slower digestion and accounts for bloating as well.

From digestion perspective, creatine monohydrate is found to be the safest and easiest to digest among other creatine derivatives.

How To Stop Stomach Pain From Creatine

If you are facing issues with creatine supplementation, then switching to a different creatine derivative is a great alternative.

Talking about derivatives, creatine hydrochloride is far more soluble in water than other derivatives. This solubility leads to less bloating and less stomach issues.

Is It OK To Take Creatine Every Day?

Of course, yes, it is perfectly OK to take creatine daily. Simple reasoning is that our body itself produces creatine for our bodily processes and strength.

Does Creatine Affect Your Bowels?

Most people who take creatine report of stool hardening, on the other hand there are many who had opposite effects like diarrhea.

Is Creatine Worth the Side Effects?

Side effects from creatine like bloating or constipation can happen but they aren’t too bad. Again, not everybody experiences them.

On the other hand, creatine supplementation gives a significant boost to athletic performance and strength. The benefits of using creatine are far more worth it than normal side effects.


Well, there is no straight answer to the questions : can creatine cause constipation? But many people report of suffering from bloating and constipation since they started creatine intake.

It’s good to start slowly with smaller dosages so that your body has time to adjust to the external creatine step by step. Don’t overdose your body with creatine, this can make it hard for your digestive system.

Start slowly, listen to how your body reacts, and then gradually increase your dosages.

Creatine is a good supplement for muscle building, increasing your strength, and boosting your workout performance. But be sure that you are not over doing it.

If you face any issues, it’s recommended to consult with a doctor.

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